Sodashi Founder Megan Larsen shares her 7 effective habits for success.
1. Rise early to get the most from your day
Research shows that if you rise before 6.00am you will be more clear-headed and alert. Personally I wake around 5.00am. I start each day with my meditation and followed by the Tibetan Five Rites. Both of these help to keep me mentally, physically and emotionally balanced. I also take time each morning to plan out what I want to achieve in the day. And I do go to bed fairly early!
2. Be conscious of what you eat
There is the saying you are what you eat!! Eating foods that have high nutritional value will keep your energy up, your brain alert and your body in a state of perfect health. For well researched information about nutrition I recommend Another thing I do is follow the 80/20 rule – 80% of the time I use food as medicine and 20% of the time I use it for enjoyment.
3. Be organised
“See the job, do the job, stay out of misery!” – as one great yogi said.
The more organised you are, the more effective you will be. Spend some time each week organising emails and any paperwork in to appropriate files, or have someone do this for you. Then whenever you need something you will know exactly where it is and you do not waste valuable time either thinking about where it could be, or worse still trying to find it.
4. Whatever you put your attention on is what grows!
Hence the importance of a healthy and positive mind. My Mother once said to me (which I have clearly never forgotten) that whatever you put your mind to you can achieve.
One of my favourite affirmations is “Everything I touch is a Success”.
I also recommend, and especially their daily quotes email that you can subscribe to.
5. Be Flexible
Sometimes even with the best intentions plans change, something may not work out exactly as you had hoped. Why waste time with negative energy and getting stressed, flexibility will allow you to be able to cope with any last minute changes or plans.
6. Keep the company of the wise
A personal coach or business mentor is almost essential and surround yourself with like-minded people that are also on a path of success. I have always found this both fun and beneficial as you get to share stories in a social environment and I have often found people are either going through or have gone through something I might be experiencing – and how perfect it is to hear other’s experiences.
7. Walking
Your brain requires oxygen to function, and oxygen reaches your brain via blood. Walking increases blood circulation and the oxygen and glucose that reach your brain and provides a more effective means of oxygenating your brain than strenuous exercise. In strenuous exercise, your muscles require more oxygen and glucose, so less is available to the brain.
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